Humanitarian Geophysics

Mines and Peruvian geophysicists in the Peruvian field huddling over equipment.

Photo: Richard Krahenbuhl

What is Humanitarian Geophysics?

  • Humanitarian geophysics focuses on applying the principles of geophysics to improve the lives of communities and their natural environments.








Geophysics humanitarian work provides a unique opportunity to enable others to help their communities and allow for multinational connections to form. It is important to continue this work and build these connections to share our knowledge and contribute to educational growth around the world.

Cullen Young

PhD Student, Mines Geophysics

Hands over assorted wires, boxes, and other materials.

Students learn to build a low-cost seismometer. (Photo: Cullen Young)

Explore the Work

Humanitarian Geophysicists identify groundwater resources and monitor the spatial and temporal distribution of contaminants. (Photo: Richard Krahenbuhl)

Humanitarian Geophysicists assess the structural health of large infrastructure and warn about potentially hazardous conditions. (Photo: Richard Krahenbuhl)

Humanitarian Geophysicists develop technology and programs needed by local communities to monitor subsurface water resources. (Photo: Brandon Dugan)

Humanitarian Geophysicists image sensitive archaeological sites at high resolution and guide their safe and non-destructive exploration. (Photo: M. Olhoeft)

Components of the Track

Geophysics Courses

  • GPGN 420 Electrical & Electromagnetics
  • GPGN 455 Earthquake Seismology
  • GPGN 461 Seismic Processing
  • GPGN 470 Remote Sensing
  • GPGN 474 Hydrogeophysics
  • GPGN 577 Humanitarian Geoscience
  • GPGN 590 Instrument Design

Geology & Geological Engineering

  • GEOL 308/309 Structural Geology
  • GEOL 314/315 Stratigraphy
  • GEGN 466 Groundwater Engineering
  • GEGN 475 Applications of GIS

Distributive Science

  • MATH 432 Spatial Statistics

Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

  • EDNS 192 Design & Human Values
  • EDNS 315 Engineering, Society and Environmental Responsibility
  • HASS 360 Research, Values, Communication
  • EDNS 375 Engineering Cultures
Student Perspective