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Singha Discusses Critical Zone in SEG Podcast
Are you curious about what is happening in the Critical Zone - the area of the Earth between the atmosphere boundary and the base of groundwater? Check out a new Society of Exploration Geophysics Seismic Soundoff podcast featuring Dr. Kamini Singha. Titled, "Unveiling...
GP Fall Award Recipients Named
The Geophysics Department awards nearly $100,000 in scholarships each year to graduate and undergraduate students combined. The Department is pleased to announce its Fall 2024 scholarship and fellowship award recipients as follows: UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS Name Awarded...
Singha named AGU fellow
Dr. Kamini Singha, University Distinguished Professor who is jointly appointed in the Geology and Geological Engineering Department and Geophysics Department, has been named one of 54 American Geophysical Union fellows. AGU fellows are honored for their "scientific...
Jin to Give SEG-AAPG Distinguished Lecture
Associate Professor Ge Jin is part of the 2024-2025 SEG-AAPG Distinguished Lecture series. His talk is titled, "Distributed Fiber-optic Sensing Applications for Oil and Gas: A non-seismic Version for Geophysicists." You can read an abstract of the talk and get more...
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