Diversity, Inclusion, and Access

Department Position


Diversity, Inclusion & Access is a central component to the Department of Geophysics. Our department is a community that welcomes, respects, and supports people of all backgrounds. Cultivating and sustaining a diverse and inclusive department is critical to our education and innovation missions as well as to our future success as one of the top departments in the nation.





Diversity in the Department

Students and faculty in Geophysics come from 18 different countries on 5 different continents.


DIA Committee

Our Geophysics Diversity, Inclusion, and Access (DI&A) committee consists of one undergraduate student, one graduate student, one staff member, and three faculty members. Our committee is tasked with identifying and implementing high leverage strategic actions that increase DI&A within the department. To date we have:

  • Conducted a self-assessment of our unit’s culture & needs regarding DI&A
  • Instituted an informal feedback system on department climate through faculty-student lunches
  • Gathered initial data on faculty service load
  • Reviewed the ability of faculty and students to take advantage of mentoring and/or professional development
  • Integrated DI&A as a strong component in 2019 faculty searches
  • Analyzed our department DI&A report for inequities and accuracy

Get Involved

Change happens when we are all involved. A number of opportunities exist to become informed on and improve diversity, inclusion, and access in the department. Please join us!

Though I may not be here with you, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe. In my life I have done all I can to demonstrate that the way of peace, the way of love and nonviolence is the more excellent way. Now it is your turn to let freedom ring.

John Lewis

Civil Rights Hero

Lunch & Listen

Have lunch with a faculty member to share your thoughts and ideas about how to make the Geophysics Department better. 

DIA Coffee Hours

Join students and faculty for an informal discussion on DIA chosen themes.


DIA Committee

Be a part of the committee or attend open discussion sessions each month.

Join a Mines Student Group

Make friends, have fun and learn through a student organization that supports DIA.

Join a National or International Group

Grow your professional and DIA network through membership in one of these groups.


Contact a Committee Member
Matt Siegfried, siegfried@mines.edu
Brandon Dugan, dugan@mines.edu

“Inclusion is a right, not a privilege of a select few”

-Judge Geary, Oberti v. Board of Education (D.N.J. 1992)

Best Geophysics DIA Reads

Making History in the Geosciences

by Dana Hunter
Scientific American

Why Don't the Geosciences have More Diversity?


by Michelle Guitard
Scientific American

Diverse Stories in Geosciences


by Georgia State University Senior Seminar

No Progress on Diversity in 40 Years

Rachel Bernard & Emily Cooperdeck

Nature Geoscience

Recently Published Editorial


Ali, H. N., & Prasad, M. (2021). On ranking and representation in the geosciences. AGU Advances,
2, e2021AV000474. https://doi.https://doi.org/10.1029/2021AV000474.

Mines Support Services

Care at Mines

Living, learning, and working at Mines can cause stress and may be the reason that someone is displaying distressed or disruptive behavior. The CARE Team at Mines provides assistance to the campus community to help access and find solutions for managing these difficult situations.

Disability Support Services

Mines is committed to providing equal access to University courses, programs, and activities for students with a disability. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Disability Support Services staff works with qualified undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to manage the impact of their disability on learning and living at Mines.

CASA – Academic Advising

CASA offers the academic support services and resources you need to do your best academically.

Wellness Center Counseling

The Counseling Center provides mental health services and is staffed by licensed and experienced professionals skilled in handling a variety of concerns. Services assist students in resolving issues that interfere with their ability to successfully navigate the Mines journey. Services are confidential, voluntary and covered by student fees.

To Anonymously Report:

  • sexual violence or harassment
  • fraud
  • non-compliance with regulations or policies
  • research misconduct
  • other questionable activity

From the Archives

Geophysics has been advocating for increased diversity for more than 50 years. Check out this report from the First National Conference on Minority Participation in Earth Science and Mineral Engineering – June 7-9, 1972.

The first African American student at Mines was also a geophysics student. Deacon Guffie E. Menogan received a $100 football scholarship to attend Mines. Unfortunately, given the times, he was unable to complete his degree. However, the department is proud to honor his memory. Learn more about Deacon Menogan here.